The National Right to Life Committee, Inc. has announced that it is endorsing Cindy Hyde-Smith for U.S. Senate.
“You are a strong advocate for life,” the group said in a letter to Hyde-Smith. ” … This endorsement reflects your commitment to strengthening a culture of life throughout the nation and in the U.S. Senate.
“We look forward to working with you to protect the most vulnerable members of the human family – unborn children and medically dependent or disabled persons, whose lives are threatened by abortion or euthanasia.”
The letter was signed by the group’s President, Carol Tobias, Executive Director David N. O’Steen and Political Director Karen A. Cross.
“The rights of the unborn and medically dependent are of the highest priority,” Hyde-Smith said. “I have sponsored legislation to preserve life throughout my political career, and I am honored to have this endorsement.”
Cindy Hyde-Smith Press Release