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Brett Favre endorses Cindy Hyde-Smith...

Brett Favre endorses Cindy Hyde-Smith – cuts new TV spot

By: Editor - June 26, 2018

by Alan Lange

Football Hall of Famer and Pine Belt native Brett Favre has stepped into the political fray again in 2018.  In 2014, he came out with a high impact ad supporting Senator Thad Cochran during his primary battle with Chris McDaniel.

Favre has now chosen another opponent of McDaniel to endorse.  Today, the US Chamber of Commerce promoted Favre’s endorsement of Cindy Hyde-Smith in a TV ad that will be running on TV and online throughout Mississippi.

In the ad, Favre is quoted as saying, “I don’t like to talk politics, but I love Mississippi way too much to stay quiet in this election.  That’s why I’m backing Cindy Hyde-Smith.”



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