WTOK – Mississippi House passes lottery bill
The Mississippi House has reversed itself and passed a bill to create a state lottery — the same bill it killed a day earlier.
The bill will go to Republican Gov. Phil Bryant, who is expected to sign it into law.
Mississippi is one of six states without a lottery, and Bryant has been pushing lawmakers for more than a year to create one. He wants money to help pay for highways and bridges.
Bryant points out that three of the four states bordering Mississippi have a lottery, and Mississippi residents are driving to Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee to buy millions of dollars of tickets each year.
DAILY JOURNAL – Majority of Northeast Mississippi lawmakers opposed lottery
A lottery is coming to Mississippi but without widespread support from the legislative delegation from the state’s northeast corner.
A majority of the region’s senators and representatives voted against the creation of a state lottery, the revenue from which will be earmarked for highway and bridge spending over the next 10 years, up to $80 million annually.
Sen. Chad McMahan, R-Guntown, opposed the lottery but expected the measure to pass, as it ultimately did after some maneuvering in the House.
CLARION LEDGER – State Rep. Alyce Clarke, D-Jackson
Gov. Bryant expands special session call to include BP funds
House and Senate Leadership have notified me that there is an agreement in principle, so I have signed a proclamation expanding the call of the special session to include the allocation of the state’s BP funds. I look forward to working on this important issue. pic.twitter.com/S9FfBoMDxB
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) August 28, 2018
WLOX – Latest bill proposes 75% of BP settlement money comes to the Coast
WLOX.com – The News for South Mississippi
Mississippi lawmakers are still weighing options as they consider how to allocate BP settlement funds.
The Associated Press reported that Governor Phil Bryant is requesting lawmakers to make a decision on how to divide $700 million that Mississippi will get in economic damage payments from BP.
The oil company is making the payments for damages sustained after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Legislative leaders have discussed giving about 75 percent of the money to the Mississippi’s three coastal counties, thus granting 25 percent to the remaining 79 counties, as outlined in the current bill.
McDaniel joins Democrats to vote against BP funding bill in State Senate
Chris McDaniel voting with the Democrats again shocker… #RememberMississippi https://t.co/6rI2sU3BBj
— Ricky Bishop (@rickybishop) August 29, 2018
#MSSen: Baria films campaign ad in Jackson
Good morning Jackson!
We’re here filming David’s first ad of the campaign ?#BariaForMississippi #mssen pic.twitter.com/fXRvwJT9zb
— David Baria (@dbaria) August 28, 2018
#MSSen: Espy launches #AthletesforEspy
We created #AthletesForEspy, in part, because sport mirrors society, its virtues and vices, but unlike a mirror, sport is active. And that’s what I’ll bring to Washington…someone who understands that Washington must be effective and efficient with minimal bureaucracy. pic.twitter.com/khlZHZ8Tn8
— Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) August 29, 2018
#MS04: Anderson Press Sec challenges Trump on Twitter
Try googling healthcare, economy, or wage news. That is what everyday people worry about, not you. https://t.co/v9MfrKMXZ8
— Melissa Garriga (@PressSecGarriga) August 28, 2018
WTOK – Mississippi Secretary of State encourages young voters
WDAM – Investigation: Illegal spending at the Hattiesburg Tourism Commission
WDAM-TV 7-News, Weather, Sports-Hattiesburg, MS
WTOK – Snowden has fundraiser in Meridian
WJTV – Mississippi wants US Supreme Court to define transgender rights
The State of Mississippi joined fifteen other states in an amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a case involving the hiring and firing of a transgender person.
RG & GR Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, et, al., originated in Nebraska. The Attorneys General in Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming have joined Nebraska in asking the Court to review the decision.
In addition, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, along with the governors from Kentucky and Maine joined the request.
WJTV – ACLU of Mississippi demands panhandling ordinances be repealed
WLOX – MDE announces lottery for special needs scholarship program application
The Mississippi Department of Education announced plans today for a lottery on August 30 to award approximately 47 Education Scholarship Accounts for the 2018-19 school year.
Established by the Equal Opportunity for Students with Special Needs Act of 2015, the ESA program provides scholarships to parents of students with disabilities who want to remove their child from a public school to seek educational services elsewhere.
The Legislature provided funding for approximately 428 ESA accounts for the 2018-19 school year. Most ESAs were issued to students returning from the 2017-18 school year.