Governor Tate Reeves addresses the first phase of CARES Act dollars and how it was appropriated by the Legislature Wednesday night.
Governor Reeves gave an update on what the Legislature did on Wednesday to help small businesses at this time.
You can read more on that HERE.
Reeves said they will do a final review of the bill and after that process is completed the bill could be signed. He indicated he is aware in general terms what is in the bill but said it will go through the process before being signed.
“Great work to everyone who got involved and has been working together,” said Reeves.
Reeves also addressed high school seniors who are missing out on traditional graduations. Therefore, his office is hosting an online virtual graduation ceremony. This will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. You can register for the ceremony on Gov. Tate Reeve’s Facebook page.
Today during the press conference Dr. Dobbs with MSDH discussed Kawasaki’s disease. He said this has been shown to impact children typically under five who suffered from COVID-19, and then this syndrome can happen after. Dobbs said they suspect one case of that in the state at this time.
He said more information will be provided if/when more cases come to light.