America’s entire health care system is working tirelessly to address the unprecedented demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses, doctors, paramedics, hospital administrators and laboratory technicians are battling this pandemic around the clock, sometimes unable to take a quick break or grab a sandwich at the hospital cafeteria. Many are even forced to live apart from loved ones, in order to limit exposure and keep their own families healthy. This week, Atmos Energy salutes health care workers’ heroic efforts by delivering more than 12,000 meals to health care heroes in the eight states the company serves.
The month of May is traditionally dedicated to honoring health care workers and to remind everyone that health comes first. From National Nursing Week (May 6 – 12) to Florence Nightingale’s birthday (May 12) to National Hospital Week (May 10 – 16), these observances shine a spotlight on the selfless efforts of hospitals and health system staff across America. Beginning today and continuing throughout the week, Atmos Energy team members have coordinated with local health care professionals caring for coronavirus patients to deliver hearty meals full of hometown flavor from local restaurants that offer expanded take-out and delivery services during the coronavirus pandemic.
“Our firefighters, police officers, medical teams and city staff have come together in amazing ways, rising to the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis to provide critical, compassionate care to the communities we serve,” said Kevin Akers, Atmos Energy president and CEO. “Atmos Energy commends every front line worker for their perseverance to end this pandemic, and all of our service centers across the eight states we serve will display a sign to show our continued solidarity, respect and gratitude to our hometown heroes.”
The American Hospital Association is a national organization that represents and serves nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems and networks in the United States, and it established National Hospital Week to highlight the innovative ways its members are supporting the needs of their community – especially this year during the public health crisis. To make sure the brave women and men on the front lines of this pandemic have a delicious meal at their fingertips, Atmos Energy is arranging early breakfasts during the morning team change, lunches to all hospital staff during the day, and dinners that can be taken home or enjoyed before the evening shift.
Whether it’s a Texas size hamburger complimented by a cold glass of sweet tea or a Denver breakfast scramble combined with a hot cup of coffee, entrees, desserts and refreshing beverages will arrive on hospital doorsteps in all eight states served by Atmos Energy. According to the National Restaurant Association, which represents 1 million restaurants and food-service outlets in the United States, more than 70 percent of restaurants are small businesses that support their local communities by employing 15.6 million people nationwide.
“Restaurants across the country are doing everything they can support their communities with food and comfort, especially hard-working front line health care workers and first responders. We appreciate Atmos Energy’s efforts to support these local restaurants while also giving back to the communities where their employees work and live,” said Sean Kennedy, executive vice president of public affairs for the National Restaurant Association.
Press Release