This morning, NBC News released a poll for the US Senate race in Mississippi. For the special election, it showed Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith with a lead among likely voters over Democrat Mike Espy 38/29 with Republican Chris McDaniel at 15% and Democrat Tobey Bartee at 2%. The poll featured 973 residents of Mississippi, 885 registered voters and 511 likely voters and was conducted on 10/11-13.
Importantly, the NBC polled runoff scenarios. In their poll, Hyde-Smith would outpolled Espy 50/36. Espy outpolls McDaniel 43/36.
In the regular occurring Senate race between incumbent Republican US Senator Roger Wicker and State Rep. David Baria, Wicker is currently touting a stout 26% advantage over Baria 57/31.
NBCNewsMaristPollMSAnnotatedQuestionnaire1810220915 #mssen by yallpolitics on Scribd
From the award winning Y’all Politics Memory Division, recall that in August it commissioned a poll from Triumph Campaigns. It was not met with nearly the respect that the NBC/Marist poll was. Yet the results were nearly identical.
The Hyde-Smith/Espy runoff hypothetical in August was 48/34. The Espy/McDaniel runoff hypothetical was 41/26.
Bless his heart, Democratic pollster Brad Chism of Chism Strategies called the Y’all Politics poll “embarrassing”.
Y’all Politics released a poll today that should be embarrassing to all those involved, as it fails to even attempt to mirror the demographic profile of the state’s electorate. https://t.co/WScYLBcZ8N
— Chism Strategies (@ChismStrat) August 9, 2018
As if on cue, bless his heart, Adam Ganucheau at the partisan/non-partisan Mississippi Today blog actually called the Y’all Politics poll “dangerous”.
I don't usually trust much that YP publishes, but that poll yesterday was especially dangerous. Don't take it from me; take it from a reputable pollster: https://t.co/T28ZOepGiR
— Adam Ganucheau (@GanucheauAdam) August 9, 2018
Today, Adam Ganucheau did an uncharacteristically straight news piece on the NBC poll. Since then, he’s been fanboy tweeting (that may be or not be an Andy Lack thing) all morning about the poll as if Moses brought the results down the mountain on tablets.
Yet, curiously, no one seems to be lining up to cast shade against the NBC News/Marist poll that virtually mirrored Y’all Politics results in every respects.
Apology line forms the left, boys. Both literally and politically.