U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith’s campaign on Wednesday released a new TV commercial showing that she has backed President Trump’s agenda 100 percent.
“Since being appointed by Gov. Phil Bryant to the United States Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith is working to change Washington.
“She’s the only senator who has supported President Trump’s conservative policies 100 percent of the time, voting to help our military and veterans, to stop wasteful spending, to secure our borders and to appoint constitutional conservative judges,” the commercial says.
“Supporting President Trump’s policies 100 percent, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith–fighting for Mississippi, fighting for our conservative values.”
According to the website www.fivethirtyeight.com and its tracking of how often every member of the House and the Senate votes with or against President Trump’s position on legislation, Hyde-Smith is the only current U.S. Senator with a 100 percent score supporting the President’s policies.
See details of this score here.
Cindy Hyde-Smith Press Release