This past week, much to the delight of most conservatives, President Trump chose Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to the Supreme Court to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.
But before even Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi had a chance to voice their disapproval to President Trump’s pick, the American Family Association had within minutes of the pick dispatched an email to its membership urging its members to oppose Kavanaugh.
The email, penned by AFA’s leader Tim Wildmon, was unequivocal.
Judge Kavanaugh is simply the wrong nominee-even a bad nominee. Based on his written opinions, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated a deficiency in a constitutional judicial philosophy of a limited judiciary. …
Judge Kavanaugh’s reasoning on religious liberty, Obamacare and issues concerning life have proven to be of major concern. For these reasons and more, urge your senators to firmly oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice on the United States Supreme Court.
The links above taken directly from the email have been since deactivated.
American Family Association opposes President Trump’s #SCOTUS pick by yallpolitics on Scribd
In the days since, the AFA has apparently had a change of heart of sorts and is sheepishly walking their opposition to Kavanaugh back. Apparently, the new line is more of a “wait and see” approach.
Regardless, their reflexively anti-Trump stance is something to note moving forward.