Y’all Politics is the longest running and most respected political news and commentary site in the state of Mississippi. Founded by Alan Lange in 2004, it has served as the aggregation point for news and opinion with one focus in mind . . . . Mississippi politics. And now, we have a new website to feature the best political content in Mississippi.
There’s lots to absorb on the new site.
First, there will be a transition as we begin the process of moving over 48,000 pieces of content created over the last 14+ years. To the right, you’ll notice a “Customized Search” box. Just type in any search string and the legacy YP site will be available. All of our prior content will still be available on search engines in the old format until they’re migrated.
We also now utilize a well-established comment engine called Disqus. It offers a variety of login options to comment and share on social media. And that’s candidly where we are trying to drive the conversation. You’ll see continued improvements as we tweak things in the coming weeks.
You’ll see slightly fewer posts, but we will have a Y’all Politics Daily Roundup that will journal a lot of the stories that we normally carry in a single post. This will just be a way that you can keep up daily with what’s going on in politics around the state.
Also, hopefully you’ve heard by now that in 2017, we added a full time reporter, Sarah Ulmer, to cover all things under the Capitol Dome. She’s doing tremendous work in the early going and is adding a perspective that’s sorely lacking to political news coverage in Mississippi.
You’ll continue to find us on a variety of platforms including Facebook and Twitter.
What you won’t find
What you won’t find on Y’all Politics is huge bloated staffs, us banging our tin cup for money, offering tax deductions for contributions or trying to sell you that we are something that we are not. We are run by readers and advertisers . . . not uber-wealthy donors looking for tax write offs or foundations looking to indoctrinate readers through news coverage.
What you will find
What you will find on Y’all Politics is a small, nimble presence that is responsive to the most politically engaged audience in the state of Mississippi.
You’ll find transparency and our cards laying face up on the table all the time.
Advertisers will find unparalleled opportunities to reach voters, customers and influencers in a way that no other site in Mississippi does.
Readers will continue to find find “first source content” in a way that makes it easy to not only understand what’s going on, but to drill down into the actual source of the news. And all of it will be easy to navigate with sources clearly linked and all of it available on a variety of social media platforms.
Thanks to all of our readers over the last 14 years. We want your feedback on the new site, and we are redoubling our commitment to the site and its growth. Y’all Politics is locked and loaded for what promises to be the three most important political years in a generation.