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MBJ – Mississippi Public Service Commission members: Politics played no part in Kemper plant decisio

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 10, 2010

Mississippi Public Service Commission members: Politics played no part in Kemper plant decision

JACKSON, MS — Baseload generation and the virtues of clean coal were not the only players on the roster as the Mississippi Public Service Commission weighed Mississippi Power Co.’s request to build a $2.4-billion coal-fired plant in Kemper County.

The political tug-of-war between economic development interests and ratepayer protection got a lot of playing time, too.

Commissioners voted 2-1 to conditionally approve MPC’s project, with a long list of conditions attached. Chief among those was a cap on the amount the power company could charge ratepayers to construct the facility, and a stipulation that ratepayers couldn’t start picking up the tab until the facility went online.

Miss. Busniess Journal

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.