Judge Lackey’s account of the bribe attempt
Tim Balducci called Judge Lackey and asked to meet with Judge Lackey in Calhoun City [where Judge Lackey has his chambers]. Judge Lackey agreed to meet and was concerned because he thought Balducci may have had a personal or family problem he wanted to talk about. Lackey had known Balducci when he had practiced briefly in Oxford and had been a public defender there for a time. Balducci arrived and announced that he was there to talk about the Jones cse. Balducci began with very “unfavorable comments” about Grady Tollison, and then said he was there for “his good friends Nutt and Scruggs.” Grady Tollison spoke David Nutt’s name with great emphasis. He said that the best thing that could happen for Nutt and Scruggs in the case was a summary judgment from for them.
Lackey thereafter approached the U.S. Attorney.
In early May, Balducci faxed to Judge Lackey a draft order sending the case into arbitration.
Thereafter, Balducci contacted Lackey and said there had been a change in strategy, that they had heard Jones was in a financial bind, and that the best thing to do was delay the case, just hold it up. Lackey did delay for six weeks, for two reasons: The request, plus the fact that the F.B.I. agent in charge was on six-week leave for military service and wished to be involved on his return with the next phase.