Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba implemented a city wide curfew during his Tuesday press conference. This decision comes in tandem with businesses reopening on May 15 after the shelter at home order he extended for the city expires.
Businesses will be reopening under new regulations, that have not been posted. Lumumba said those will be available on the city’s website by May 14.
In the press conference, five core actions were offered on how businesses would be impacted by the phase in reopening. This does not apply to the businesses that are already open.
Five Core Actions for reopening:
- Social Distancing, maintain 6 feet of distance between people in pubic places
- Use of cloth face coverings in public. This should cover your mouth and nose.
- Proper hand washing, using soap or water. Hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol
- Cleaning surfaces, regularly disinfect surfaces to prevent transmission
- Refrain from non-essential travel when possible.
Businesses that will be allowed to reopen on May 15 under restrictions include: retail, gyms, salons, restaurants. Lumumba said there was confusion among business owners after Governor Reeves’ order to allow some retailers to reopen so the city decided to allow for an organized reopening.
Currently the city of Jackson has the highest number of cases. However, Mississippi’s infection and death rates are low relative to large areas of the US.