WJTV – Push to legalize medical marijuana in Mississippi
YP – Commissioner Chaney: MID proposes legislation to fund First Responder Health and Safety Trust Fund
Commissioner Chaney: @MSInsuranceDept proposes legislation to fund First Responder Health and Safety Trust Fund. #msleg https://t.co/LmFv3Ao5b1
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 24, 2020
YP – Would a President Bernie Sanders have any elected friends in Mississippi?
Would a President @BernieSanders have any elected friends in Mississippi?
The self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist gained just under 17% in the 2016 @msdemocrats primary, finishing second to eventual nominee @HillaryClinton. #Election2020 #mselexhttps://t.co/87pqLPDuQf
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 24, 2020
HATTIESBURG AMERICAN – Doctor denied cancer treatment: Bills would make Mississippi plans cover proton therapy
After Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi denied coverage for a doctor’s expensive brain cancer treatment in 2019, state lawmakers took notice.
Bryan Hierlmeier is a cardiac anesthesiologist at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. Hierlmeier was struggling with painful headaches last spring when he was diagnosed with had brain cancer.
His doctors recommended getting proton therapy, a type of radiation treatment designed to pinpoint cancer cells and avoid damaging nearby healthy tissue, but his insurance denied coverage.
State lawmakers could decide this session whether to make Mississippi insurance plans cover proton therapy.
YP – Will the Legislature let the clock run out on special needs students?
Will the Mississippi Legislature let the clock run on out special needs students? #msleg
One bill to extend the program could adversely effect families. https://t.co/FPL0yY3ssa
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 24, 2020
Sen. Hyde-Smith promotes BUILD grants
MS communities should consider applying for @USDOT 2020 BUILD infrastructure grant funds. Gulfport & Starkville won highly-competitive grants last year. $1B to be allotted this year, with 50% to rural areas. May 18 filing deadline. https://t.co/RUH2txlhhu pic.twitter.com/QjJPUsoohS
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) February 24, 2020
MERIDIAN STAR – Our View: Keep public notices in community newspapers
Bills have been submitted to the Mississippi Senate and House of Representatives that would give local government bodies the option to publish their public notices – legal advertisements – on government-operated websites rather than in local newspapers.
We think that is a bad idea for a number of reasons.
While we believe the majority of public servants are doing their best to act in the public good, too often we have seen representatives conduct the public’s business behind closed doors and withholding public information.
The temptation would be too great in some cases to post legal advertisements in obscure portions of websites where the public would not notice.
YP – Eight elected officials switch to MSGOP
.@MSGOP welcomes eight party switchers to the Republican side #msleg READ MORE>> https://t.co/6zUFXWc2uT pic.twitter.com/NiNxdikkjY
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 24, 2020
DAILY LEADER – Sec. of State meets with election officials
Mississippi’s new Secretary of State Michael Watson visited the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Government Complex Thursday as part of his tour of all 82 counties. Watson met with Circuit Clerk Dustin Bairfield and several of Lincoln County’s election commissioners to hear their concerns about the election process.
“We made a commitment to all of our 82 counties with the idea making sure we have the friendships and relationships with our clerks and our commissioners,” Watson said. “Everybody doesn’t know everything. Having a network of people to call when you see things on the front lines — what does this look like, how does it impact the county, what can we do better to serve at the secretary of states office?”
YP – AG Fitch appoints first Solicitor General
Attorney General @LynnFitch Appoints Mississippi’s First Solicitor General #msleg READ MORE>> https://t.co/GYlZ2gJsTt
— Yall Politics (@MSyallpolitics) February 24, 2020
Sen. Wicker meets with Acting Secretary of Navy
Today I met with Acting @SECNAV Thomas Modly to discuss the future of our fleet and my plan to implement our national force level goals. I am committed to ensuring our @USNavy remains the envy of the world. pic.twitter.com/Lab3O82lNL
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) February 24, 2020
YP – Former Jones County Supervisor Jerome Wyatt Found Guilty of Embezzlement
State Auditor Shad White announced former Jones County Supervisor Jerome Wyatt has been convicted of embezzlement in Judge Dal Williamson’s chamber of Jones County Circuit Court. The case was prosecuted by District Attorney Anthony J. Buckley.
Wyatt was arrested by Special Agents from the State Auditor’s office in October 2018 after being indicted. He used “The Gentlemen’s Club” – a Laurel Middle School mentoring program he founded – to embezzle nearly $2,000 from children in Jones County schools by submitting fraudulent reimbursement requests. Wyatt also embezzled public money by taking cash when he directed a county-owned vehicle to a metal scrap yard outside Jones County.