Email from The Parents Campaign and Nancy Loome…
“My inbox is overflowing and my phone ringing off the hook with our members expressing their dismay that the voucher bill is still being considered. I agree! HB 765 is obviously the first step in the effort to privatize and “profitize” our public schools.
“Heather, a mom with a child who would qualify for such a voucher, sums up beautifully the truth about this bill. Click here to read the letter Heather sent all legislators about HB 765. Families As Allies, a family group that advocates on behalf of children with special needs also has expressed their opposition to this bill. See their reasons here.
“It is so telling that this bill is being backed by the same Florida lobbyists who pushed for-profit and virtual charter schools in our state last year, and that the same legislation is popping up in other states, supported by corporate lobbyists as a means to allow for-profits to cash in on the state funding intended to educate our children.
“Folks, we do not need to take any votes for granted on this bill. Those pushing it are working furiously on the floor of the House and Senate to get the votes they need to pass it. Mark my word, if this bill passes, they’ll be back next year or the next to remove any restrictions and blow vouchers wide open. Tell your legislators to vote NO on vouchers, no matter what!
“Please contact your legislators in every way possible (call, text, email, tweet) about killing vouchers, increasing MAEP funding, and passing the strongest possible teacher pay raise. Legislators are very busy now; they might miss your call but catch your text or tweet. You can get more details on the issues here.