Today two Republican candidates for Governor in Mississippi, Tate Reeves and Bill Waller, launched new TV ads.
Waller’s new ad, titled “Integrity” is the second ad released by the campaign in the Republican primary election. “My husband, Bill, is a man of integrity and he works a hundred and ten percent in whatever he does,” wife Charlotte Waller says in the ad. “He has the background to lead, having served as Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court and as Brigadier General in the Mississippi National Guard. Bill has the wisdom that comes from life experiences. As a father and a grandfather, he puts his family and his faith first. He has a genuine concern for people and for our state’s future. That’s why he’s running for Governor,” she concludes in the ad.
When asked the cost and rotation of the ad, Jared Solomon, Communications Director for the Waller for Governor Campaign said, “The Waller campaign has a policy of not releasing details about its media placement strategy.”
Tate Reeves released his newest television ad in the Mississippi governor’s race—the first in the critical DeSoto County area. The ad focuses on his conservative credentials and values, as well as his support for President Trump. Tate Reeves touts his conservative tenure during his time as Lt. Governor that he insists has led to the lowest unemployment rate in Mississippi’s history and improved school outcomes for Mississippi kids.
According to the Reeves campaign the ad is currently airing in North and South Mississippi on TV and statewide digital platforms and on satellite television statewide. They also say it will soon be on air in central Mississippi.
The campaign spent roughly $183k on television this week and are in most major state TV markets. They reported the ad spend is based on chronology and points and not purchased by creative. The ad is in TV rotation and is running to saturation level.