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YP – Population shifts in Mississippi will result in gain, loss of legislative seats
Mississippi lawmakers will soon face the reality of redrawing district lines after the 2020 Census. The Joint Legislative Redistricting Committee is currently holding hearings across the state to gather input from the public regarding the way this will be done when they return in January 2022, if not before.
Population losses were also found in Jackson, which will likely result in the loss of one state House seat. However, the suburbs of Jackson had such gains that they are likely to see an increase in up to two legislative seats. Madison’s House District 73, currently held by Rep. Jill Ford, shows a population of 50% larger than the ideal size.
According to the report, only 9 of the 42 House districts with a majority of African American residents now have populations that are within the 5% legally allowable deviation. A loss of population in North Mississippi could be handled due to creating a district drawing in which they would not lose a seat.
MSDH COVID-19 Reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 7,839 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 52 deaths, and 170 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. State #covid19 totals: 388,986 cases, 7,813 deaths, and 1,072,001 persons fully vaccinated. Full information: https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/jkI4zyIqgX
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) August 16, 2021
YP – Mississippi Democrats urge Reeves to call for a statewide mask mandate
Leader of the Mississippi Democratic Party Tyree Irving released a statement on Monday urging Governor Tate Reeves to reinstate a statewide mask mandate for Mississippians.
His plea comes after Mississippi’s three day average of COVID cases came to 7,839 and 52 new deaths over the weekend. Mississippi is among some states now with the highest new case rates with one of the lowest vaccination rates.
“The science and data are clear. First, the use of masks have been shown to help slow, as well as prevent, the spread of COVID-19 when used properly,” said Irving. “Second, according to the Center for Disease Control, while in public places, people should wear masks indoors in areas of substantial or high transmission.”
Governor Reeves thanks Samaritan’s Purse for assistance
Thank you @Franklin_Graham! We made initial call to @SamaritansPurse on Monday. Official request for additional assistance by MSDH through MEMA on Wednesday. The hospital arrives in Mississippi 4 days later.
Amazing! https://t.co/LRQuJpfKNn
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 16, 2021
YP – TN Governor Bill Lee signs order that allows K12 parents to opt out of mask mandates
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee this afternoon signed an executive order that allows for parents of K12 students in the Volunteer State to opt out of mask mandates imposed by local school districts.
Parents can notify their schools directly of their intention to opt out and that includes for in class instruction on school buses or at school functions.
Tennessee currently has a completed vaccination rate of 40%.
SOS Watson named NASS Southern Region VP
Congratulations to Secretary @MichaelWatsonMS on being named to @NASSorg’s Executive Board as the Southern Region Vice President! pic.twitter.com/2BLy5VHUWP
— Mississippi Secretary of State's Office (@MississippiSOS) August 16, 2021
YP – Southern United States Trade Association Announces 2022 Programs are Now Open
The Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) has announced the 2022 program year is now open. Companies can login to their account to re-certify and update their information to register for 2022 Global Events and submit their marketing export strategy for the 50% CostShare program. By submitting applications this fall, Mississippi companies have the opportunity to take full advantage of these programs beginning January 1, 2022.
These funds are provided through the Market Access Program (MAP) and the Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS) partners with U.S. agricultural trade associations, cooperatives, state-regional trade groups and small businesses to share the costs of overseas marketing and promotional activities that help build commercial export markets for U.S. agricultural products and commodities.