YP – MS Supreme Court to hear arguments in Madison Mayor’s case against Initiative 65 come April
In April the Mississippi Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on the constitutional challenge by Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler against Initiative 65, the Medical Marijuana Program passed by voters in November.
According to the Madison County Journal, the official date was set for April 14 at 10:30 a.m. You will be able to watch the arguments presented HERE.
The appeal was officially made in October by Hawkins-Butler, challenging the amount of signatures the Initiative received to be placed on the ballot. She argued that it was put before voters unconstitutionally as it only required the set amount of signatures in a four congressional district make up, when Mississippi’s Constitution still operates on a five congressional district model.
Reeves: Pfizer COVID vaccine 2nd dose appointments open
Those eligible for Moderna 2nd dose –
2nd dose appointments are available THIS week for those who are eligible at drive-thru sites in Adams, DeSoto, Forrest, Harrison, Jackson, Jones, Lauderdale,
Lee, Leflore, Lowndes,
Neshoba, Oktibbeha, Panola, Pike, Rankin and Washington— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) January 31, 2021
YP – CORDER: Don’t let COVID be excuse to backslide on legislative improvements to accessibility
A sign posted outside of a House Committee room stated: “Meeting in progress. Legislators and staff only. Watch either by Zoom or on website.” Further, the House of Representatives even passed a resolution, HR 12, which allows its members to meet virtually until March 1st. Members will not be required to check-in in-person as long as they are present for their respective committee meetings, making it super easy to avoid interaction with citizens and the press.
In the Senate its members are still required to check-in as present on the Senate floor during roll call and are then allowed to disperse to access meetings virtually or in-person.
According to the State Auditor’s office, each chamber of the Legislature follows its own respective rules regarding things like attendance, roll call, and how they permit members to participate.
Closing meeting rooms to only staff/members and allowing virtual participation by lawmakers may assuage fears in the near term but limiting public access is not necessarily the right answer.
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 811 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 27 deaths, and 184 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 275,001, with 6,045 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/jqeuV4lZBy
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) January 31, 2021
YP – Wicker Leads Pro-Life Push in Senate
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a grim decision that haunts our nation to this day. In Roe v. Wade, justices threw out state laws protecting the unborn and declared abortion legal in all 50 states. This decision undercut the legislative process and the will of the American people, paving the way for injustice on a massive scale. In the years since Roe v. Wade, an estimated 62 million unborn lives have been taken.
Pro-life Americans have not been silent amid this tragedy. Every year, scores of citizens gather in state capitals and in Washington to send a defiant but powerful message in defense of life. This year’s March for Life, which was held virtually, came at the outset of a new presidential administration that has already proved hostile to the rights of the unborn. The Biden Administration’s abortion agenda makes it all the more vital for pro-life Americans to continue speaking out.
YP – Palazzo To Serve on Homeland and Commerce Appropriations Subcommittees
Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) announced today that he will continue serving on the House Appropriations Committee as a member of the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Subcommittee as well as the Homeland Security Subcommittee in the 117th Congress.
“What an honor it is to continue representing south Mississippi as a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee. I am thrilled to build on the progress made in previous years as a member of the Homeland Security and Commerce, Justice, and Science subcommittees. As we tackle the biggest problems facing our nation, I will remain focused on securing resources important to Mississippians and our way of life.”
Auditor White talks annual budget request
Auditor Shad White presented our office's budget request to both chambers of the Legislature this week.
The office did more work with less money from the General Fund last year. Watch this video to learn more: pic.twitter.com/RJ0gsuo6r6
— OSA (@MSStateAuditor) January 29, 2021
WLBT – ‘I am here in the Motherland’: Ex-Mississippi mayor moves to Africa, starts businesses
The former mayor of a small Mississippi town says he has moved to Africa to run a tourism business, and he is encouraging other Black people to also consider moving to the continent.
Anthony Witherspoon resigned Dec. 31 in Magnolia, population 2,260. He had been mayor since winning a 2014 special election, and he had six months remaining in this four-year term.
The Enterprise-Journal reported that Witherspoon posted a Facebook video Jan. 24, saying he is living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
“I am here in the Motherland, creating business partnerships and networks with my brothers and sisters,” Witherspoon said.
DAILY JOURNAL – Analysis: Mississippi debates quicker purge of voter rolls
Mississippi residents who skip some elections would risk being purged from voter rolls, under bills being considered at the state Capitol.
Critics say the proposals would endanger constitutional rights in a state where some older Black residents still remember facing violence or economic repercussions for registering to vote.
Supporters of House Bill 4 and Senate Bill 2588 say keeping voter rolls up to date can be difficult, and poorly kept rolls can make it challenging for courts to find enough people for jury duty.
Under current Mississippi law, county election commissioners may remove a person’s name from a voter roll if that person has died, moved away, been judged mentally incompetent or been convicted of a disenfranchising crime.