Miss. Senator Opposes Funding Abortion Abroad With U.S. Tax Dollars
U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today released a statement condemning President Joseph R. Biden’s decision to revoke the Mexico City Policy, which has prohibited U.S. funds from supporting abortions in foreign countries.
“I am disappointed that one of Joe Biden’s first actions as President is to reverse the Mexico City Policy, which protects American tax dollars from funding abortions abroad,” Wicker said. “Tax dollars should never support the taking of innocent life, whether at home or abroad. By reversing this pro-life protection, the Biden Administration has shown disregard for the consciences of millions of American taxpayers.”
The Mexico City Policy is a federal rule that barred foreign non-governmental organizations that perform or actively promote abortion from receiving U.S. aid. It was first implemented under the Reagan Administration and was most recently reinstated and expanded under the Trump Administration.
Wicker has been a longtime advocate of preventing taxpayer money from funding abortions in any form, including through the Mexico City Policy. In January, Wicker wrote to the U.S. State Department in support of expanding the Mexico City Policy. Today, he introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, legislation that would permanently prohibit taxpayer funding for abortions.
Press Release