Today, Congressman Michael Guest (MS-03) announced his selection to serve on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) for the 117th Congress.
“I believe the 116th Congress has prepared me for the opportunities the 117th Congress will bring. I plan to work with my colleagues to bring legislation to the floor that will benefit the people of our state and our nation, and my role on the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will offer new and unique paths to serve the great people of Mississippi,” Congressman Guest said about his selection to the committee.
Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Sam Graves welcomed Congressman Guest’s selection to the committee. “Congressman Guest is a proven and effective legislator with an outstanding track record for pushing legislation through the House,” Ranking Member Graves said. “As a conservative voice for responsible and effective policies, he will bring an important perspective to the Committee as we seek to tackle critical issues and improve America’s infrastructure in the 117th Congress.”
The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure boasts a broad portfolio that includes many agencies important to the continued success of Mississippi, including the Department of Transportation, the U.S. Coast Guard, Amtrak, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the General Services Administration, the Army Corps of Engineers, and others.
Furthermore, Mississippi is unique in its position to benefit from representation on the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Because the Magnolia State is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River, the Tennessee River/Tombigbee Waterway, and has countless other rivers and streams; has three major interstates crossing it; and terminates multiple large rail lines; Mississippi falls directly under much of the oversight functions of the T&I Committee. Through his service on this committee, Congressman Guest will be positioned to help advance the expansion of infrastructure across the state, including the development of broadband, roads, bridges, airports, and ports. Additionally, Congressman Guest has supported the transportation needs of the agriculture and forestry sector—our state’s largest industry—during his first term and will continue to prioritize these issues through his position on the T&I Committee.
During the 116th Congress, Congressman Guest proved himself a successful legislator while serving on the Committee on Homeland Security and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Through his work on the Committee on Homeland Security, Congressman Guest became the first Republican Freshman Member of the 116th Congress to pass a piece of legislation through the House of Representatives with H.R. 1590, the Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019.
Congressman Guest further demonstrated his effectiveness as a legislator through his success on pieces of legislation such as:
- H.R. 1590 – The Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2019 was signed into law on October 9th, 2019. This legislation promotes the identification and determent of terrorist travel and enhances the United States government’s ability to respond to terrorism by instructing the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop and conduct a preparedness exercise related to the detection and prevention of terrorist and foreign fighter travel.
- H.R. 3990 – The Operation Stonegarden Authorization Act would provide statutory authorization for a grant program within the Department of Homeland Security for law enforcement agencies in states bordering Mexico or Canada or a maritime border. This legislation was included in the Republican Department of Homeland Security authorization bill introduced in September 2020. Operation Stonegarden would help reduce the flow of illegal drugs across our borders by providing necessary resources to agencies tasked with protecting the borders of the United States.
- H.R.2246 – This legislation designated the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 201 West Cherokee Street in Brookhaven, Mississippi, as the “Deputy Donald William Durr, Corporal Zach Moak, and Patrolman James White Memorial Post Office Building.” It was signed into law December 21st, 2020.
During the 116th Congress, Congressman Guest developed a strong understanding of infrastructure policy through his cosponsorship of numerous pieces of legislation, including:
- H.R. 5175 – Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2019
- H.R. 6431 – Made in America Emergency Preparedness Act
- H.R. 7456 – To establish a grant program for domestic maritime workforce training and education, and for other purposes
- H.R. 4283 – Broadband Interagency Coordination Act of 2019
- H.R. 487 – Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act
- H.R. 1374 – Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy (DRIVE) – Safe Act
- H.R. 1673 – Agricultural Trucking Relief Act of 2019
- H.R. 4919 – Responsible and Efficient Agriculture Destination Act
- H.R. 2220 – I-14 Expansion and Improvement Act of 2019
Press Release