YP – Governor Reeves provides updates on fight against COVID-19 in Mississippi
Governor Tate Reeves held a press conference on Tuesday to update the public on what the state is doing to combat COVID-19 as numbers continue to stay high in the state.
Governor Reeves added 19 more counties to the list of those who have more restrictions and are under a mask mandate. Now, 41 of Mississippi’s 82 counties are under a mask mandate.
Those additional counties are: Alcorn, Attala, Bolivar, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lincoln, Lowndes, Neshoba, Panola, Perry, Prentiss, Stone, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union. As of now 41 of Mississippi’s 82 counties are included within this order.
MSDH COVID-19 report
Today MSDH is reporting 665 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 53 deaths, and 153 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 144,544, with 3,729 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/QP8mlJ41AN pic.twitter.com/wdqtlmBry2
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) November 24, 2020
YP – Governor Reeves appoints MDHS Executive Director to State Workforce Investment Board
Governor Tate Reeves has appointed Robert G. “Bob” Anderson, Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services to serve on the State Workforce Investment Board. The appointment is effective immediately and runs through January 2024.
The mission of SWIB is to develop and implement a strategy to maximize the state’s education, training, and employment service resources in support of economic development.
Governor, First Lady celebrate 19th anniversary
I am so blessed to have a rock-steady partner, loving friend, and incredible Mom to our girls by my side through all of our family’s adventures. Happy 19th Anniversary, Elee! God has truly blessed me with you. pic.twitter.com/B5NOPFSfUo
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) November 25, 2020
YP – Senator McMahan shares insight on Senate Public Health and Welfare hearings
Over the last two days members of the Mississippi Senate have heard from doctors and healthcare professionals on the current state of Mississippi’s healthcare. Y’all Politics spoke to Senator Chad McMahan to gain some insight to the content and take away of those conversations.
YP – Attorney General Fitch joins $17.5 million settlement over 2014 Home Depot data breach
Attorney General Lynn Fitch today announced that Mississippi, along with the Attorneys General of 45 other States and the District of Columbia, have obtained a $17.5-million settlement against Georgia-based retailer, The Home Depot. This resolves a lengthy multistate investigation of a 2014 data breach, which exposed the payment card information of approximately 40 million Home Depot consumers nationwide. The State of Mississippi will collect $147,874.48 through this settlement.
“When companies fail to protect personal data, they leave millions of consumers vulnerable to identity theft and misuse of their personal information,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. “This settlement highlights the importance of implementing procedures to protect consumers’ sensitive personal information and every business’ duty to do so.”
YP – Ag Commissioner Gipson encourages public to submit comments on Yazoo pumps
Agriculture @CommAndyGipson Encourages Public to Submit Comments on Yazoo Area Pump Project READ MORE>> https://t.co/XIoSitp8Qx
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) November 24, 2020
YP – Governor Reeves Announces Mississippi’s Participation in CyberStart America
Governor Tate Reeves announced the state’s participation in CyberStart America – an innovative, online cybersecurity talent search and competition sponsored by the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation and the SANS Institute. Mississippi high school-aged students are encouraged to explore their aptitude for cybersecurity and computer science by participating in the program. Participants can win prizes, recognition for their schools, and scholarships for themselves.
The CyberStart America program is a series of 100% online challenges that allow students to act as cyber protection agents, solving cybersecurity-related puzzles and exploring related topics such as code breaking, programming, networking, and digital forensics. The program can be assigned as part of homework, can form the basis of an extracurricular club, or students can just try it on their own.
YP – MDOT’s lottery funds repave Route 330
.@MississippiDOT's lottery funds repave State Route 330 in Yalobusha County @TheMSLottery #msleg READ MORE>> https://t.co/f53HI2u8Lm
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) November 24, 2020
YP – Palazzo Cosigns Letter Expressing Concerns Over Backlog of Veterans Records Requests
Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) recently joined 233 lawmakers in a bipartisan letter to the National Archives and Records Administration Director Scott Levins expressing concerns over the rising number of unprocessed requests for military personnel, health, and medical records from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) amidst the pandemic.
Congressman Guest to Democrats: Stop blocking small business funds
For months, $138B for small businesses has been sitting dormant as legislation to reopen these funds has been blocked. This money is available & needed by businesses, so help Republicans tell our colleagues across the aisle to stop blocking this money from hard-working Americans.
— Congressman Michael Guest (@RepMichaelGuest) November 24, 2020