Miss. Senator Encourages Senate Democrats to Reconsider Blocking the JUSTICE Act
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today encouraged her Senate colleagues not to abandon the law enforcement reform effort spurred by the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and to agree to begin debate on the JUSTICE Act.
In a floor speech Thursday, Hyde-Smith said the erosion of public confidence in law enforcement and the rule of law should be sufficient reason to work in a bipartisan manner to debate, amend, and pass the reform bill introduced by Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.). Her speech came a day after Senate Democrats blocked debate on the bill.
“I encourage my colleagues to reconsider and engage in this debate. It would be a real tragedy not to use this national moment in our history to improve law enforcement through more accountability, transparency, and better training,” Hyde-Smith said.
“Let’s stop looking for ways to divide the American public. Let’s bring people together, and work together toward meaningful reform that improves law enforcement, public safety, and the confidence Americans deserve in the rule of law,” she said.
The text of Hyde-Smith’s remarks is available here.