The spring quarterly Millsaps College/Chism Strategies State of the State Survey finds that 10% of black voters in Mississippi support President Donald Trump. The poll says that Biden would carry 75% of black Mississippi voters with another 15% undecided or willing to support someone other than Trump or Biden.
Biden carried Mississippi with 81% of the vote in the Democratic primary largely attributable to his popularity to black voters.
The President holds an 11 point lead over Biden statewide with a 49% to 38% tally.
“Overall, 64% of voters say they are either extremely or very enthusiastic about voting in the November election, while only 32% say they are only somewhat or not enthusiastic,” the Chism poll reports. “A plurality of Mississippi voters (46%) specifically indicate they are extremely enthusiastic about voting this fall. Certain segments of the electorate currently exhibit an above-average level of enthusiasm about voting in November: male voters (68%), white voters (67%), 55 to 64 years of age (69%), those 65 and older (72%), those who are planning to vote for Donald Trump (77%), Strong Republicans (83%), voters in CD-02 (66%) and voters in CD-03 (66%).”
The vast majority of Mississippians express confidence in the coronavirus outbreak response by their federal, state and local governments.
The survey reports that “62% are confident in the federal government’s response while 64% are confident in the response from the state government and 66% in the local response.“ Seventy percent of white voters are very/somewhat confident in the federal government in this situation while 46% of black Mississippi voters feel the same way.
Nearly half of Mississippi voters (47%) believe the state is heading in the right direction while 30% see the state moving in the wrong direction.
“This represents the largest percentage of respondents to report the state is heading in the right direction since the inception of the State of the State Survey,” according to the poll.
Read the full survey below.
Millsaps:Chism SotS Survey … by yallpolitics on Scribd