Vicksburg Mayor George Flaggs participated in a Facebook Live with Y’all Politics to discuss what local municipalities are doing to protect their citizens in conjunction with the President and Governor’s recommendations.
In the interview, Flaggs took issue with the criticism of Governor Tate Reeves by state and national media, saying, “I think they are reporting it in a biased way. I think they’ve been political about it and you can look at it because when you look at who they criticize it’s Democrats versus Republicans.”
Flaggs says he’s listening to the White House task force, CDC and the Governor, and he’s being proactive in his community, addressing the pandemic in phases locally.
“I think we’re two weeks ahead of the curve because we were proactive,” Flaggs said. “But I wouldn’t have been able to do that had it not been for the White House task force, if it had not been for CDC information, if it had not been for the Governor in this state providing the kind of leadership that I think he’s been providing but I think it’s been unfair the way the New York Times, the Washington Post and other Northern newspapers, and a few in this state have characterized him.”
Mayor Flaggs said we should respect those in authority. He has worked with five Presidents and it is not about politics. He said he is about building relationships that get results, and believes President Trump provides good leadership right now.
“I listen to him and I work with him when I can work with him,” Flaggs said. “And I’m going to continue to do it. You give me another President, I’m going to work with that President.”
His advice to other mayors criticizing the Governor and President is, “Start at home. Protect your people.”
**WATCH a portion of the interview with Mayor Flaggs below.**