CLARION LEDGER – Tate Reeves ‘will fight for the MAGA agenda,’ Donald Trump Jr. tells Oxford crowd
At a traditionally non-partisan Mississippi politics get-together known for short speeches, Donald Trump Jr. gave a half-hour polemic Thursday night, railing against the national Democratic party and the impeachment inquiry ramping up against his father.
And the audience loved it.
Hundreds came out to Johnny Morgan’s shop in the woods outside Oxford to see politicians — all Republican except Democratic candidate for transportation commissioner, Joe Grist — stand on an old wooden bench and give stump speeches…
…He kicked off his speech saying children nowadays were “brainwashed” with “liberal crap” from up North.
Trump Jr. recalled having an “awesome time” at the 2016 Neshoba County Fair, where Gov. Phil Bryant said 99.9 percent of attendees were supporters of his father, and the only other guy there was “confused.”
There’s a lot of Democratic history in the South, Trump Jr. told the crowd Thursday night, but “this isn’t your grandfather’s Democrat party.”
Bryant joins Reeves, Trump Jr. at campaign stop in Hattiesburg
Great to join my friends @DonaldJTrumpJr, @kimguilfoyle and @tatereeves at the Longleaf Plantation in South Mississippi. We are all for Tate. #msgov pic.twitter.com/DN2HTp2Gh4
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) October 24, 2019
Reeves, Trump Jr. go on the hunt
Fantastic afternoon in Purvis with @DonaldJTrumpJr—enjoying our 2nd Amendment rights with local supporters. On our way to campaign in North Mississippi tonight! See you soon! pic.twitter.com/9vieox4RYm
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) October 24, 2019
Sen. Wicker says Hood is ‘late to the game’ with ‘political stunt’ lawsuit
Jim Hood’s lawsuit against the Trump administration comes 12 days before an election where he is behind in the polls. Our delegation has been on top of this issue since the beginning. Attorney General Hood is late to the game with this political stunt. -RW
— Roger Wicker (@RogerWicker) October 24, 2019
WLOX – AG Jim Hood plans to file lawsuit on behalf of state over Bonnet Carre Spillway
Hood explained through a press conference the lawsuit is intended to hold the federal government responsible for the damage the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway has caused to Mississippi, specifically the Gulf Coast. The lawsuit has not been filed because a 60-day notice has to be given prior to filing action.
“We don’t want Louisiana or New Orleans to flood, but the Corps has some decision on when to open the spillway,” Hood said. “Mississippi doesn’t deserve to be a dumping ground.”
Hood said fishermen and those affected need some relief now, but it’s unclear when exactly a solution will happen.
Sen. Hyde-Smith cosponsors resolution denouncing House Democrats impeachment process
I’ve cosponsored a Senate resolution condemning House Democrats’ unfair treatment during this impeachment debacle against @realDonaldTrump. The President deserves the basic fairness and due process afforded every American. https://t.co/2UwMWoBNVk pic.twitter.com/sI9rtREVsE
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) October 24, 2019
Hyde-Smith hits Democrats over delay on USMCA
There is no good reason for the House to have held up this 21st century trade agreement, and it is time to finally take a vote, send it to the Senate, and get it done. #USMCANow https://t.co/ae7ZuMEV57
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) October 23, 2019
WLOX – Clerks have Saturday hours for Mississippi absentee voting
Circuit clerks’ offices in Mississippi are open on Saturdays for people to cast absentee ballots.
Nov. 5 is the election for governor and other statewide races; transportation and public service commissioners in three regions; legislative seats; and county offices.
The secretary of state’s website says circuit clerks’ offices are open for normal business hours Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon the two Saturdays before the election. The deadline for in-person absentee voting is Nov. 2. Mail-in absentee ballots must be received by Nov. 4.
Gipson named Best for Business by BIPEC in Ag Commissioner race
Thank you for your support, @bipec https://t.co/XAC5rvKqbf
— Commissioner Andy Gipson (@CommAndyGipson) October 24, 2019
Statewide candidates on the stump in Oxford
If you like the way we ran the Secretary of State’s Office, you’re going to love the way we run State government. Another great Good Ole Boys & Gals with Johnny Morgan! #TeamDelbert pic.twitter.com/j7yMqQhi6y
— Delbert Hosemann (@DelbertHosemann) October 25, 2019
Another Good Ole Boys and Gals in the books! Enjoyed speaking and visiting with so many great Mississippians! #MWforSOS pic.twitter.com/eNG1J2Ep4A
— Michael Watson (@MichaelWatsonMS) October 25, 2019
A joy to be at Good Ole Boys and Gals tonight! A short speech that summarizes my vision for the future of Mississippi agriculture! Thanks for your support! pic.twitter.com/M0HWzJ9Hy3
— Commissioner Andy Gipson (@CommAndyGipson) October 25, 2019
It was honor to get to “shuck the corn,” as they say at Good Ole Boys and Gals, a few minutes before @DonaldJTrumpJr took the stage and brought down the house. pic.twitter.com/I83rlo2Nro
— Shad White (@shadwhite) October 25, 2019
WJTV – Mayor Lumumba delivers State of the City Address
Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is set to deliver his State of the City Address, next to the Downtown Parklet Area on South Congress and East Capitol Streets.
The State of the City Address is an annual event where business, community, faith, non-profit and government leaders come together to learn about the “state of the city” from Mayor Lumumba.