Public Service Commissioner for the Central District Cecil Brown spoke at the Neshoba County Fair. Brown is not seeking reelection in 2019.
For Cecil Brown, this is his last term in office. But work is still to be done.
Last year alone, of the 1.7 million Mississippians on the No-Call List, over a thousand complaint reports came in.
“There comes a time when it is time for younger folks to step in… my choice is Ryan Brown.”

Recent laws show a lack of conservative values: sports betting, go-cup laws, shorter turn around for marriage licenses, according to Brown.
Mississippi has the Lowest pro-capita income and Brown said that’s one of those things that hasn’t changed. Despite the average lifespan being 4 years less than the national average, State leaders haven’t expanded Medicaid. Hundreds of thousands of MS have no access to adequate healthcare, according to Brown.
“I don’t care if we call it Obamacare or Tater Care,” said Brown, before advocating for expanding Medicare.
Brown said many boasts about public school improvement but ACT scores are lower today than they were ten years ago. Even still, he said the problem is bigger than that.
“We have an unsustainable teacher shortage… because of teacher pay.”
Hall said Mississippi hasn’t improved on the business side of things, either.
“We’re the third-worst state in the country for business according to CNBC. Economic growth and job growth are basically nonexistent,” said Brown.
Brown said that a lack of endorsement doesn’t mean he is strongly opposed to other candidates on a personal level.
“I don’t believe the people I don’t support are bad people… I just think someone else could do the job better.”