The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has closed its review of the Mississippi Development Authority regarding records of jobs created at the Port of Gulfport after Hurricane Katrina, saying that MDA has met the National Objective required by HUD.
In its report, HUD stated that MDA and the Port are keeping proper records.
Final Study Maritime Employment Impact of the Port of Gulfport by yallpolitics on Scribd
“As a result of the review, HUD concurs with MDA that the corrective actions from the August 2013 Finding have been implemented as appropriate documentation is being maintained to demonstrate at least 51 percent of the jobs created at the Port of Gulfport are held or made available to low- and moderate-income persons,” according to the report.
“MDA has taken appropriate corrective actions since the Finding was first identified in August of 2013 and has met the CDBG National Objective for LMI job creation. Therefore, this longstanding Finding is now closed.”
“I am very pleased that HUD has reached this conclusion after a thorough compliance review,” Gov. Phil Bryant said. “I appreciate the hard work and diligence by Secretary Ben Carson and his team. This is an important milestone that shows the economic strength of the Port of Gulfport Restoration project.“
“HUD’s $570-million investment after Hurricane Katrina was invaluable to Mississippi. I’m proud to say that we’ve met the Low and Moderate Income National Objective for CDBG funds. This would not be possible without the effort from our federal and local partners.”
“Under the Governor’s leadership we have made great strides in improving the long-term competitiveness and job creation capabilities of the Port of Gulfport,” said Jonathan Daniels, MSPA executive director and CEO. “The Port’s current success would not be possible without the financial and technical assistance made available through HUD and MDA. The diversity in our tenant mix and the investments made in port infrastructure have positioned the Port of Gulfport for decades of economic growth for the region.”
MS Monitoring Report 052219 FINAL 062519 POG by yallpolitics on Scribd
About Mississippi Development Authority
Mississippi Development Authority is the state’s lead economic and community development agency. MDA focuses on new business recruitment, existing business expansion, workforce training, and tourism promotion. For more information, visit MDA’s website at mississippi.org.
MDA Press Release