Americans for Prosperity Action today announced its endorsement of Lt. Governor Tate Reeves’ campaign for Governor. Outlined in an op-ed published [LINK] in the Clarion-Ledger this morning, AFP Action believes Lt. Governor Reeves is the right choice for Mississippi’s next governor because of his principled support during his eight-year tenure in Jackson for policies that empower all Mississippians.
AFP Action Senior Advisor Trey Dellinger issued the following statement:
“Since assuming office eight years ago, Lt. Governor Reeves has been instrumental in breaking down barriers for individuals throughout the state. Whether its fighting for lower taxes, rebuffing special interests, or increasing educational opportunities for every child—Lt. Gov. Reeves has his finger prints all over it. He understands the role of government is to empower individuals to transform their own lives, which is why we’re excited to get behind his candidacy. We hope Mississippi voters will reward his leadership and support him in November.”
AFP Action identified several areas where Lt. Gov. Reeves has made a positive impact in the lives of everyday Mississippians:
- Economic Opportunity: Lt. Gov. Reeves has been integral to ensuring legislators in Jackson remain fiscally responsible. He’s been a champion for all Mississippians by supporting policies that empower individuals and create more opportunity for all. Those policies include: The Taxpayer Pay Raise Act, eliminating the corporate franchise tax, and opposing gas tax increases.
- Educational Freedom: Lt. Gov. Reeves has been a staunch advocate for increasing educational opportunities for all Mississippi students. By pushing to expand opportunity and helping increase funding for Special Needs Education Scholarship Accounts (ESA), Reeves has worked to ensure more children have the opportunity to choose an education that best fits their unique needs.
- Criminal Justice Reform: Lt. Gov. Reeves believes in stemming the state’s over-incarceration problem and helping those who have served their time get a second chance. Reeves has been a consistent supporter of criminal justice reform, because he knows these principles reduce crime and recidivism, help individuals beat poverty and addiction, and make our communities safer – all while saving tax dollars.