Plastic housewares manufacturer United Solutions is increasing production in Sardis, making a corporate investment of $9.5 million and creating 50 jobs.
“United Solutions’ expansion is great news for Panola County. Fifty new job opportunities for the people of Sardis and the surrounding area will strengthen the region’s economy and manufacturing presence while helping build more vibrant communities for years to come,” Gov. Phil Bryant said.
United Solutions’ expansion will enable the company to meet the demands of two additional product lines. At its manufacturing facility, the company is investing in new equipment and building renovations. United Solutions also is purchasing a warehouse in Sardis to free up space currently being used for storage in its manufacturing facility.
“United Solutions is pleased to be working with Panola County and the state of Mississippi to rebuild the infrastructure at the Sardis facility. We are excited about the future and look forward to continued growth in Sardis,” said United Solutions CEO Tim Durkin.
The Mississippi Development Authority is providing assistance for building improvements, as well as a loan to Panola County for the purchase of United Solutions’ manufacturing facility. Panola County also is providing property tax abatements and matching funds for building improvements to assist with the project.
“Manufacturing is a strategically important sector of Mississippi’s economy, with our state’s workforce proving everyday that ‘Made in Mississippi’ is truly a stamp of quality known worldwide. United Solutions’ expansion in Sardis enhances that reputation of quality, proving that Mississippi’s skilled workforce enables companies to achieve their goals in our state,” said MDA Executive Director Glenn McCullough, Jr. “We salute the teamwork of the Panola Partnership and Panola county, which, along with MDA, was instrumental in bringing 50 new career opportunities to people in the Sardis community.”
United Solutions currently employs 102 workers in Sardis with plans to add 50 jobs over the next four years. The expansion is slated to be complete in spring of 2021.
Press Release
United Solutions