Tate Reeves has earned the endorsement from grassroots Republican leaders and key Trump supporters across the Gulf Coast.
“Conservative leaders across the Gulf Coast are rallying behind our message of hope and optimism of an even better Mississippi,” said Reeves. “We need elected leaders who will stand with President Trump and work hard for Mississippi families, the same way you work for yours. As governor, that’s the kind of leader I’ll be.”
Gulf Coast Republican Leaders Endorsing Tate Reeves for Governor
Trump 2016 Chairs:
Dane Maxwell, State Director, Mayor of Pascagoula
Justin Skinner, Harrison County Chair
Don Halle, Trump Statewide Finance Committee, Harrison County
County GOP Chairs:
George Williams, Hancock
Frank Genzer Jr., Harrison
(Personal endorsements, not official county party committee endorsements)
State Party Executive Committee Members:
Jeanne Luckey, Republican National Committeewoman, Jackson
Brandon Payne, Harrison
Wayne Tisdale, Harrison
Ashley, Skellie, Harrison
(Personal endorsements, not an official state party committee endorsement)
Republican Auxiliary Organization Leaders
Sandra McKiernon, Jackson County Republican Women
Dan Carr, President, Harrison County Republican Club
John Mosley Jr., President, Jackson County Republican Club
(Personal endorsements, not an official organization endorsement)
Press Release
Tate Reeves for Governor