I signed the BP Oil Spill settlement legislation into law today on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I thank @tatereeves & @PhilipGunnMS for their leadership in passing this into law during the 2018 Special Session. pic.twitter.com/IKEJTcZJH6
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) September 5, 2018
Today in Gulfport, Gov. Bryant signed into law SB 2002, passed during the special session. The bill would divide the money from the BP Oil Spill settlement into a 75/25% split, 75% going to the major costal counties, and 25% being divided up across the state for special projects.
RELATED: Gov. Bryant expands call for the special session to include BP Oil money
The bill was debated for roughly two days after being pretend by the Senate. It passed “clean” out of both Chambers before being sent to the Governor.
RELATED: The special session is over with all three attempted bills passed before sine die