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@Club4Growth turns screws on Chris...

@Club4Growth turns screws on Chris McDaniel – basis for #mssen challenge not ‘clear at this point’

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 15, 2014

Club for Growth President: McDaniel Needs ‘Clear’ Evidence in Mississippi

The Club for Growth was Chris McDaniel’s largest financial backer in his Mississippi Republican primary challenge to Sen. Thad Cochran, but Club President Chris Chocola said Mr. McDaniel needs to provide some “clear” evidence to continue contesting his defeat in the June 24 runoff.

“McDaniel is going to have to make a decision at some point in how far he pursues this,” Mr. Chocola said Tuesday in a discussion with Wall Street Journal reporters and editors. “If there’s clearly evidence of wrongdoing, that there were ballot integrity issues I suppose it would be appropriate for him to pursue those, but it would have to be clear. I don’t know that they’re clear at this point.”

WSJ Blog

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.