Jim Greenlee — U.S. Attorney’s should be apolitical
A federal probe into shady dealings by former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin appears teed up for prosecution, now that a second businessman has pleaded guilty this week to bribery charges. A grand jury investigation into contracting work at the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office continues to develop.
And the prosecutions of Telly Hankton and his allegedly murderous street clan plows forward downtown, along with several other drug, murder and criminal racketeering cases.
So, with U.S. Attorney Jim Letten set to leave office Tuesday after more than 11 years at the helm of one of the nation’s busiest federal prosecution mills, what changes?
For now at least, not much, observers predict — though defense attorneys hope some reforms are ultimately in store.
Deep experience in the office isn’t necessary, said Jim Greenlee, a U.S. Attorney in northern Mississippi for nearly a decade until 2010. But Greenlee cautioned against veering far from the mold that Letten helped shape in dozens of prosecutions of politicians and other notables.
“You need to request a U.S. Attorney that would somewhat mirror Jim, in that they are apolitical, and if there was corruption that was hurting the district, they would support the investigation and the appropriate prosecution,” said Greenlee. “Because he didn’t care who you were or what you were.”