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DeSoto County ozone ruling faces appeal

DeSoto County ozone ruling faces appeal

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 7, 2012

DeSoto County ozone ruling faces appeal

Mississippi and DeSoto County officials said Friday they would appeal a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency to keep parts of the county grouped with Memphis and Crittenden County, Ark., on an air-quality “non-attainment” list for ozone.

“This irresponsible decision defies logic and makes it clear that EPA bureaucrats in Washington ignored our information based on the scientific data presented by DeSoto County and the state,” Gov. Phil Bryant said.

The outcry bounced back to Washington, where U.S. Sens. Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker, both R-Miss., in addition to fellow Republican U.S. Rep. Alan Nunnelee of Tupelo, also blasted the EPA.

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