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Laughing with Leach

Laughing with Leach

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 31, 2009

Laughing with Leach

IRVING, Texas – If he had to choose, Mike Leach said he’d get a piercing instead of a tattoo.

“If I got tired of it,” the Texas Tech football coach said, “I could just pull it out.”
Leach, we now know, rubs Listerine on his legs to stave off the West Texas fire ants. He thinks graduation rates should be the determining factor in the Big 12’s tiebreaker system, and following his daughter’s marriage this summer, he has a new take on weddings.
“There’s a point where all the women are racing around, changing their position on virtually every subject,” Leach said. “You just try to disappear until it’s over and you have to shake everyone’s hand and pat them on the back. That part went really well.”

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.