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Melton’s taxis: Police cruisers...

Melton’s taxis: Police cruisers for teen parties?

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 2, 2007

The Clarion-Ledger, 11/2/7

Does Jackson have a police chief anymore?

If so, how could Police Chief Shirlene Anderson allow Mayor Frank Melton to use police personnel for his own taxi service to ferry youths to and from his home for pool parties?

The issue sparked City Council interest after a police incident report filed in July by Precinct 2 Patrolman Michael Braxton was leaked to the media in which the officer complained about being dispatched to carry citizens to the mayor’s northeast Jackson home for swimming and barbecue.

The Council is concerned about legal liability issues, but Melton says: “I brought them to my home. And the City Council needs to sit down and shut up.”

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.