Latest reckless and false attack by Eaves on immigration not true – Governor Barbour opposes amnesty
“As usual, John Arthur Eaves, Jr. doesn’t know what he is talking about. Governor Barbour opposes amnesty and the Governor has said publicly many times he is opposed to giving illegal immigrants drivers’ licenses. Under the Barbour Administration, illegal immigrants cannot receive a driver’s license, welfare, unemployment benefits, Medicaid, food stamps, or register to vote. John Arthur Eaves’ latest false and reckless attack is nothing but a lie, and further demonstrates he will say or do anything to try to get a vote,” said Brian Perry, spokesman for Barbour for Governor.
Perry continued, “Because the federal government has not done its job on illegal immigration, the state of Mississippi under Governor Barbour’s leadership is taking steps to do something about it. As usual, John Arthur Eaves’ latest attack commercial ignores facts by making more false attacks and reckless allegations.”
Perry cited Governor Barbour’s “Agenda for Mississippi’s Future,” which was released earlier this week that discusses some of what Governor Barbour has done, and describes what he intends to do in the future to fight illegal immigration:
“Continue to help the federal government enforce immigration laws by giving state and local law enforcement new tools; fighting identity theft; deploying volunteers from the Mississippi National Guard to help protect the border; and not allowing illegal immigrants to be eligible for Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits, food stamps or to receive a driver’s license in Mississippi. Illegal immigrants should be deported, not paroled.” – Governor Haley Barbour, Agenda for Mississippi’s Future
Governor Haley Barbour Campaign Release