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Melton?s list of witnesses growing

Melton?s list of witnesses growing

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 18, 2007

Melton?s list of witnesses growing

Mayor Frank Melton?s defense team has added eight people to its list of witnesses for next week?s trial, including three Jackson police officers.

Melton and Jackson Police Detectives Marcus Wright and Michael Recio are scheduled to stand trial Monday on several felony charges related to their role in damaging a duplex on Ridgeway Street on Aug. 26. Melton claimed the house was used to sell drugs.

The subpoenas fined in Hinds County Circuit Court are for Jackson Police Department detectives Brendon Bell and Altrich Harvey and Sgt. Richard McGahey. In addition, Melton?s team has called retired Drug Enforcement Agency agent Larry Davidson, Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes, Rev. Horace Buckley of Cades Chapel Baptist Church, WLBT-Channel 3 reporter Bert Case, and Russell Carr, a local resident who lives a few blocks away from the Ridgeway Street duplex.

Clarion Ledger

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