Fresh off the runoff election, Mike Espy filed paperwork that would indicate he’s again preparing to challenge for the seat he just was defeated for. On Tuesday, Senator-Elect Cindy-Hyde Smith has finished the term she just won. With nearly 900,000 voters in Mississippi, Hyde-Smith bested Espy by a 54-46 margin.
The paperwork was filed with the Federal Election Commission earlier today.
Mike Espy 2020 FEC Filing by yallpolitics on Scribd
Espy alluded to the fact that he would run again on the night of the election, in his concession speech.
Make no mistake—tonight is the beginning, not the end. When this many people show up, stand up, and speak up, it is not a loss. It is a moment. It is a movement.
— Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) November 28, 2018
And we are not going to stop moving our state forward just because of one election. I look forward to finding new ways to do just that.
— Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) November 28, 2018
Y’all Politics has reached out to Espy’s campaign for comment and has not yet received a response.