Holly Hughes, RNC committeewoman and a Michael Steele ally, circulates an endorsement e-mail where she asks “Who is trying to get RNC members to vote for a certain candidate for RNC chairman?” Hughes sees presidential politics at work, with a backhanded swipe at Haley Barbour and his nephew Henry’s backing of Reince Priebus for chairman:
Presidential Politics? Sure, it makes sense that certain candidates contemplating a run for the presidency would want to control the RNC and have their person as RNC Chair. Such a candidate however, would not want Michael Steele because he will be an honest broker and provide an even playing field for all those running. There does not seem to be any clear front-runner yet in the next presidential race. And, let us face it, whoever is chairman, the Republican nominee will be the one running the RNC in a short 15 months. It would be so much better to have someone who will be neutral in the presidential campaign running our party for the next 15 months.