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Court Dismisses Suit Challenging...

Court Dismisses Suit Challenging Display of Pledge & National Motto

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 1, 2010

Court Dismisses Suit Challenging Display of Pledge & National Motto

Contending the lawsuit “borders on frivolous,” the brief argued that both the national motto and Pledge of Allegiance accurately reflect the historical fact that our nation was founded on a belief in God and that the constitutionality of both is well established in case law.

The ACLJ represented itself and 50 members of the 111th Congress – 47 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 3 members of the U.S. Senate. The lawmakers represented in the brief:

United States Representative Randy Forbes, Congressional Prayer Caucus Chairman, United States Senators Jim DeMint, James Inhofe, and Roger Wicker, and United States Representatives Robert Aderholt, Todd Akin, Rodney Alexander, Michele Bachmann, Roscoe Bartlett, Rob Bishop, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Dan Burton, Eric Cantor, Mike Conaway, Virginia Foxx, Scott Garrett, Bob Goodlatte, Ralph Hall, Gregg Harper, Jeb Hensarling, Bob Inglis, Sam Johnson, Walter Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve King, John Kline, Doug Lamborn, Don Manzullo, Kevin McCarthy, Thaddeus McCotter, Patrick McHenry, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Candice Miller, Jeff Miller, Jerry Moran, Randy Neugebauer, Mike Pence, Joseph Pitts, Ted Poe, John Shadegg, John Shimkus, Bill Shuster, Mark Souder, Todd Tiahrt, Zack Wamp, Joe Wilson, and Don Young.

We’re delighted with this decision. It’s another example of our ongoing dedication to protecting our history and heritage.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.