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Barbour trims $21 million in fourth...

Barbour trims $21 million in fourth round of budget cuts

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 8, 2010

Barbour trims $21 million in fourth round of budget cuts

State senators on Friday took back nearly half the money they voted a day earlier to restore to education, and Gov. Haley Barbour then took some of the money schools are still getting by announcing $21 million in new spending cuts.

Barbour’s new cuts include $1.1 million in education spending, mostly from the $2 billion Mississippi Adequate Education Program.

On Thursday, senators voted to restore $45 million Barbour had cut previously from the MAEP to pay for the state’s top teachers. However, the Senate held the legislation on a parliamentary move that allowed the action to be reconsidered Friday.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.