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Hosemann: Voter ID inches along

Hosemann: Voter ID inches along

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 13, 2009

Hosemann: Voter ID inches along

More than half of the 90,000 signatures needed to get a Voter ID Initiative on ballot next year have been gathered, according to Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann.

“Last time I checked, they were approaching 55,000 signatures,” said Hosemann.

The Republican party is in charge of getting the signatures; the secretary of state’s office will have to confirm them.

“Of those, they have to be equally divided between five congressional districts. So you could have 25,000 in one (district) and 6,000 in another and you wouldn’t make the requirements for the initiative,” he said.

Meridian Star

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.