The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Editorial, 8/28/8
Gov. Barbour’s special tax study commission voted its final recommendations Wednesday, and from initial assessment, its changes potentially would rattle the cage rather than shake the foundations.
Constituted in early 2008, the group of prominent politicians and business leaders adopted proposed changes that could, if fully enacted, create a $100 million revenue cushion that could offset reduced sales taxes on groceries, or give more income tax relief than what’s already recommended in the report.
The vote was close on a recommendation about how to “use” a $100 million revenue surplus – 11 to 9 for a higher income tax exemption. The closeness of the vote prompted the commission to include both options in its final report.
We support sales tax relief on groceries, all things in balance, because it would positively affect every Mississippian. Our state has the nation’s highest sales tax on groceries and the lowest per capita income.