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Attorney general: Moore set the modern...

Attorney general: Moore set the modern role

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 1, 2007

The Clarion-Ledger Editorial, 6/1/7

Most Mississippians would probably be hard-pressed to name five former attorneys general, as for most of the state’s history, the position was confined pretty much to watching over the state’s legal affairs.

Moore’s consumer advocacy resulted in the historic $4.1 billion tobacco lawsuit settlement, as well as granting $20 million annually from it to help thousands of Mississippi schoolchildren avoid tobacco with the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi.

Ironically, another Republican governor, Haley Barbour, a former Washington tobacco lobbyists, with a Republican treasurer, Tate Reeves, sued in court to reverse that award for the general treasury.

Moore made the office more responsive, took on white-collar crime, and under Moore’s leadership, with local district attorneys, the state began its path of reopening old civil rights cases that had gone unsolved – some since the 1960s.

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Magnolia Tribune

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