The effort seeks to produce a more targeted and cohesive workforce system across the state.
Accelerate Mississippi, the newly-created lead office for workforce development strategy and coordination, is leading an effort amongst all partner state agencies to develop a comprehensive State Workforce Plan (SWP) to be completed in the spring of 2022.
Tasked with ensuring a more targeted and cohesive workforce system across the state, AccelerateMS is working to ensure Mississippi has an effective blueprint to increase positive employment outcomes for individuals and to ensure businesses have the employees needed to thrive.
“A truly coordinated state workforce system isn’t possible unless we all understand our collective goals and we have a playbook that helps us understand the role each teammate plays,” said AccelerateMS Executive Director Ryan Miller. “By building upon previous successful efforts to organize pieces of Mississippi’s workforce system, we aim to produce a plan will result in systemic improvement for our state.”
To assist in the planning process, AccelerateMS has enlisted the support of Yolonda Boone, an experienced public servant with an extensive and distinguished background in workforce development strategy and planning. Boone served as an original author of the state’s initial Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act plan and worked for the state’s employment office, the Mississippi Office of the State Auditor, and the State Workforce Investment Board.
“I can think of no one better prepared to lead this planning effort that Yolonda Boone,” commented Miller. “She has been a champion for a coordinated workforce development system for years and has over the course of her career laid the foundation for this organized and streamlined approach to workforce development.”
Coordination and planning meetings for the SWP began in the fall of 2021 and will continue throughout the winter and early spring. Once adopted, the plan will be implemented and assessed over the coming months. As results are measured and best practices are identified, AccelerateMS anticipates bi-annual updates to ensure continuous improvement across Mississippi.
Release from AccelerateMS.