Congressman Michael Guest
Congressman Guest says more rural airports will receive federal assistance.
On Friday, Congressman Guest celebrated the announcement of two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) discretionary grants.
Today, Congressman Guest applauded the announcement of two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) discretionary grants.
The funds will go toward the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Airport and Hardy-Anders Field Natchez-Adams County Airport. The Brookhaven located airport will receive $2.2 million for runway lighting, taxiway lighting, airport beacons and runaways.
In Natchez, the airport will receive $572,928 in order to rehabilitate their taxiway and runaway.
“Rural airports provide critical services that increase travel and trade across Mississippi. I’m grateful to the FAA and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for their help in securing these grants to improve Mississippi airports, which will help drive Mississippi’s rural economy,” Congressman Guest said.