10-8 Report shows large support of law enforcement centered bills by Mississippi Legislators.
The Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP) released their first ever 10-8 Report. This report scored legislators on their voting record in support of law enforcement from the 2021 Legislative session.
The 10-8 Report graded lawmakers on how they support issues law enforcement face directly or indirectly. The report was sponsored by the Board of Directors for the MACP in order to educate its membership.
“We encourage our elected lawmakers to reach out to the subject matter experts, your police officers, for advice and guidance before making decisions that impact how law enforcement officers do their jobs,” MACP President and Brandon Police Chief William Thompson said.
Overall, 40 Senators and 76 Representatives received an A rating. No F’s were awarded, but four Representatives were scored with a D. They were state representatives Joel Bomgar, Dana Criswell, Steve Hopkins and Brady Williamson. In the Senate, the lowest score was a C. It went to senators Sollie Norwood and Derrick Simmons.
Senators were graded on 17 different bills while House members were scored on 19 bills. The topic of these bills ranged from the Dignity for Incarcerated Women’s Act to tampering or selling urine to how the Department of Public Safety is funded and to the Criminal Justice Reform bill relating to parole.
One bill both the House and the Senate members seemed to agree to knock down was SB 2107 which would have prohibited local and state government from restricting the possession of a firearm. That bill eventually died in conference.