Raymond Brooks with his wife, Jill.
Gulfport Police Officer Brooks announces run for Mississippi’s 4th District.
Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District continues to draw much of the early attention in the state leading up to the 2022 mid-terms.

Incumbent Congressman Steven Palazzo has indicated he will seek re-election. Yet, due in large part to an ongoing House Ethics Inquiry into his use of campaign funds, challengers have emerged early in the cycle.
To date, Republicans Jackson County Sheriff Mike Ezell and Carl Boyanton have filed their intent to run, as have Independent Jesse Hudson and Libertarian Alden Johnson.
Another Republican has also now jumped into the mix.
On Thursday,veteran Gulfport Police Officer Raymond Brooks announced that he intends to seek the Republican nomination for Congress in Mississippi’s 4th Congressional district. He has filed his statement of organization with the Federal Election Commission. Dawn Clayton is listed as his Treasurer.
In an announcement, Brooks says he is a twenty-year resident and veteran of the City of Gulfport Police Department. He has served as a School Resource Officer, Warrants Officer, Marine Patrol Officer, S.W.A.T. Sniper and Patrol Rifle Instructor during his service to our community.

“For too long, career politicians in both parties have gone to Congress claiming to represent us, but have nothing to show but empty promises and their own lined pockets. Recently, it’s hard to tell the difference between many Republicans and the radical Democrats they claim to be fighting against in Washington,” said Brooks. “I’m running for Congress because the good people of Mississippi’s 4th district deserve a Congressman who actually represents their values; an honest, hardworking and unapologetic conservative who will serve them with absolute integrity. A leader who will fight to protect our Constitution, our school curriculums, our southern borders, and work to improve our failing healthcare system.”
Brooks is the father of four children and grandfather to three grandchildren. He says radical liberals have endangered communities and law enforcement officers.
“Above all else, we are a nation of law and order. As a 20-year veteran of the Gulfport Police Department, my Brothers in Blue and I have experienced first-hand the horrific damage and danger to our community and culture resulting from the hateful, destructive attitude and policies directed point blank at our nation’s first responders,” Brooks said in the release. “We need leaders with integrity who are willing to stand fearlessly and relentlessly against the revolting rhetoric hurled daily at our police by radical liberals and false conservative prophets who know nothing of our Mississippi way of life.”
Brooks says he intends to run a grassroots-fueled campaign that puts community and citizens, not the money or the Washington insiders, first.
“From Gulfport to Laurel and everywhere in between, 4th district law-abiding, taxpaying citizens are clamoring for a fearless, front line conservative leader who is unafraid to go to Congress and shake things up. I intend to be that leader and serve our district the same way I’ve served our community for twenty years – with honor, respect, and dignity,” Brooks said.
You can learn more about Brooks here.