Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith
Biden, Democrats Use Coronavirus Pandemic to Force Radical Agenda on Nation
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) issued the following statement regarding her vote against the $1.9 trillion plan advanced by President Biden and congressional Democrats as COVID relief, but would actually advance a radical liberal agenda. The plan passed on a strictly partisan 50-49 vote.
“This package is not the just reward for a nation marking its first anniversary of the pandemic lockdown, unimaginable hardships, tragic numbers of lives lost, and truly remarkable examples of heroism, charity, and fortitude by Mississippians and people across the nation. We should have worked together just as we did on the last five COVID bills.
“What the President and congressional Democrats have produced is bad policy. It opens the door to a radical liberal agenda thinly veiled as COVID relief. In fact, less than 9 percent of the $1.9 trillion goes toward healthcare needs to fight the virus, and less than 1 percent is dedicated to vaccines. The bulk of this plan amounts to audacious political favors over the next few years to Democratic special interests, unions, abortion providers, and poorly managed Blue States. I am very disappointed.”
During a nearly 12-hour delay over unemployment benefits on Friday, Hyde-Smith encouraged Senators to work toward a revised, bipartisan deal.
As part of an overnight “vote-a-rama” amendment process, Senate Democrats rejected all attempts to improve the measure. Among the amendments left on the cutting room floor was a Hyde-Smith amendment to extend USDA aid to agriculture producers affected by disasters and to ensure U.S. catfish and seafood are included in USDA commodity help for foodbanks and families.
Democrats also defeated amendments supported by Hyde-Smith to uphold the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funding for abortion services. She also cosponsored an amendment to stop increased Medicare reimbursements for hospitals in all-urban states, which would disadvantage rural states like Mississippi. It also failed to pass.
Release from Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith.