Today the state of Mississippi officially flew a new flag for the first time since 1861. Replacing the former flag is the “In God We Trust” flag which was selected by a Commission and voted on by the public in the November 2020 election.
The flag was ratified by the Mississippi Legislature within the first two days of the 2021 session. HB 1 was voted on by the House and Senate, officially allowing the bill to move forward to the Governor who signed it into law on Monday at 2:30pm.
The signing took place at the Two Mississippi Museums before officials made their way to the State Capitol building where three flags were raised atop the building. A flag was first presented to the Speaker of the House Philip Gunn and Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann, and one was brought by Governor Tate Reeves.
All four flags were flown at the Capitol. Three remain while the fourth was brought down and taken to the Two Mississippi Museums.
Philip Gunn, Speaker of the House, shared his thoughts with the crowd on when the flag change was going through the Legislature and how members were determining where their vote would lie.
“As I talked to people who voted for changing the flag, one question motivated them: ‘Will I be able to look my children and grandchildren in the eyes and be proud of my vote?’ Mississippians answered them loud and clear, once and for all. With an astounding majority we as a state were united in showing the world that we choose to stand on the right side of history. This new flag boldly declares our trust in God, as a state. As we enter into a new year, a new session, may God bless our efforts, and may God bless the state of Mississippi as we set sail under this new flag,” said Speaker Gunn.
“From our world-famous authors to the unmatched beauty of our natural resources, Mississippi has always been a place with limitless potential. In ratifying the peoples vote and in raising this new banner, we are signaling to the rest of the world we are ready to realize this potential, we are open for business, and we are living up to our welcoming reputation of hospitality. Today, we take a great step toward making Mississippi an even better place for our children and grandchildren, and for this I could not be any more proud,” said Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann in his remarks before the flags were raised.
“What a remarkable thing to see Mississippi officially raise a flag that guides us forward,” MSGOP Chairman Frank Bordeaux and member of the Flag Commission said. “Many have worked their entire lives to see this moment through to its fruition, working within Mississippi to change Mississippi. I am grateful to have played a role in this process through service on the flag commission and believe we have adopted a symbol that Mississippians are proud to call their own. May it fly with honor and may those of us under it be proud of what we have achieved together.”